Using Semiotic Resources to Improve the Level of Learning among Young Learners in Rural India

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Dr. K. Thomas Alwa Edison, Dr. Bishnu Paramguru Mahapatra, Dr. H. Marie Evangeline, Dr. S. Bhargavi


This research aims to examine how semiotic resources might be used to improve educational attainment, particularly for students in rural India. The fields of education, information, and communication have all benefited greatly from the new forms assumed by technology. Some groups of people continue to live on the periphery, oblivious to advances in literacy and technology, even while the rest of the globe rapidly modernizes. Children in rural communities are disadvantaged economically, socially, and academically. Their mental health is impacted by this. The quality of education has improved steadily in metropolitan areas, making it possible for more and more young people to benefit from it and mold their personalities in a positive direction. Teaching kids is much more than just helping them memorize facts and ace tests. They need this so they can plan for future. These youngsters may be taught utilizing a variety of semiotic tools to ensure that they fully grasp the language and the ideas being presented to them. Language, body language, and facial expressions are all examples of semiotic resources that may be used in conversation. This has far-reaching implications for how we educate the next generation. This research illustrates how these semiotic resources might be included into educational settings to improve the English language teaching process


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Dr. K. Thomas Alwa Edison, Dr. Bishnu Paramguru Mahapatra, Dr. H. Marie Evangeline, Dr. S. Bhargavi. (2023). Using Semiotic Resources to Improve the Level of Learning among Young Learners in Rural India . Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(S2), 2911–2916.