SOWANS E-TB Application Innovation on Quality of Life and Medication Compliance in MDR-TB Patients

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Azizah Saleh
Baharuddin Condeng
Sigit Mohammad Nuzul


Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is a direct infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. WHO reported that during 2014 – 2016, almost 89% of the world's population suffered from TB. Furthermore, the 2017 WHO report showed that there were 14 countries in the world that experienced a double burden of TB such as sensitive TB, MDR-TB and TB/HIV. WHO estimates that there are 23,000 cases of MDR/RR in Indonesia. Purpose: The general aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of the telemedicine system on the quality of life and medication adherence of MDR-TB patients. Creation of the SOWANS E-TBS telemedicine system in the form of an application and website that helps treat MDR-TB patients. Methods: This research method is quasi experimental. Where a treatment group and a control group will be formed. The treatment group will be given the E-TB SOWANS application. Then compared with the control group. Both groups will be given quality of life questionnaires and medication adherence before and after treatment. Results: The distribution of MDR TB patients based on the intervention and control groups showed that 20 MDR TB patients received treatment (53.6%), while the number of patients in the control group was 18 people (47.4%). MDR TB patients based on treatment compliance showed that MDR TB patients who had non-adherence to treatment were 11 (28.9%) patients, and those who were adherent to treatment. Conclusion: Based on the research results and discussion by referring back to the problem formulation and hypothesis, it can be concluded that there is an influence of the E-TBCS application innovation on the quality of life of MDR-TB patients. Current advances in technology 4.0 can help improve the quality of life of MDR-TB patients.

Keywords: Application; Telemedicine; Counseling; SOWANS; Tuberculosis


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How to Cite
Saleh, A., Condeng, B., & Nuzul, S. M. (2023). SOWANS E-TB Application Innovation on Quality of Life and Medication Compliance in MDR-TB Patients. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(4), 273–280.