Creative Experimentation with "BaTA" Software In the Art of Music Learning Process
BaTA, Creative Experiment, Music LearningAbstract
The learning process is successful when the learning process creates comfort, knowledge is easily accessible, learning activities are fun, and meaningful. Especially in the process of music learning activities not only know and understand music technically but experimentation and improvisation activities into specific activities can stimulate and foster creativity. Not all of the arranger or composer uses the notation of numbers in the writing of his musical works. To master the beam notation as the basic theory of music in the teaching and learning process absolutely must master the technological aspect as an important thing that supports the achievement of educational goals. This article aims to (1) describe the experimentation of the use of music notation transcript media programs, using computers, and media to help or facilitate teachers and students who have difficulty reading transcript notation with the notation program that is made. (2) creating a learning media model by using software in the process of learning music, especially in music notation material, will be easier.The research method used by Research and Development (R & D) through a process of reviewing the model, and study type, and various studies of the philosophical forms and meanings of music learning process. This type of research used qualitative descriptive by describing the findings of the field in the form of visual data, interviews, and literacy studies that support to analyze the subject of this study. In this research, various research steps were taken as follows: literature study, observation, documentation, experiments, data, and visual data used as a basis of results of research. The stages of development used in this study use the development procedures from Timpuslitjaknov which include: (1) needs analysis, (2) initial product development, (3) expert validation and revision, (4) small-scale field trials, (5) trials large scale field. The process of need analysis is to examine the media needs for static promotion subjects. Initial product development is a process of making media based on needs analysis. Data collection methods in this study were observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The research instruments were observation guides, interview guides, and questionnaires. The results of this study are; (1) The results of the creative experimentation design of the software program have the main function to copy the number notation to the notation in music learning. (2) Modeling learning media by using software in the process of learning music, especially in music notation material, will be easier. Some of the features offered are translate notation, sound settings, addition of voice staff, print outs, and playback.
Copyright (c) 2023 Ardian Arief, Herman Dwi Surjono, Abdul Rahim, Taryatman, Akbar Al Masjid, Moh. Rusnoto Susanto, Rahayu Retnaningsih, Rio Septian

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