Age-related comparative morphological and morphometric indicators of the spleen of healthy rats and its lymphoid structures

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Makhmudova Guljamol Fazliddinovna, Akhmadova Maftuna Amin kizi, Khalikova Feruza Sharofovna


The spleen is an organ that not only effectively uses its own immune cells, but also mobilizes the body's immune cells to monitor immunity and protect other important organs, including the heart, kidneys and brain. Spleen generates a generalized immune response to antigen, inflammatory process and various pathogenic factors, which ensures the necessary level of the body's immune homeostasis, as well as flexibility.


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Makhmudova Guljamol Fazliddinovna, Akhmadova Maftuna Amin kizi, Khalikova Feruza Sharofovna. (2023). Age-related comparative morphological and morphometric indicators of the spleen of healthy rats and its lymphoid structures. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(S2), 2468–2474.