Role of USG in thyroid diseases

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Dr Sridevi Basappa, Dr Sanket Kotnis, Dr Muralidhara C P, Dr. Hemanth Kumar Goravimakalahalli Srinivasareddy


One of the most distinctive glands in the body is the thyroid gland. It is the only gland in the body that gets its iodine directly from outside sources, making it unique among glands. It is the only gland in the body that is able to make, store, and expel its own products when the body has a need for those goods. It has a very abundant blood supply that can be compared to that of the kidneys. Additionally, it is the only gland that can be compared to that of the kidneys. Therefore, the regulation that it has is extraordinary. It is quite superficially situated, and as a result, high frequency probes may be utilised to study it with relative ease. There have been investigations in which a straightforward transvaginal probe served as an effective research tool for examining the gland. The primary reason for this is that it is extremely superficially situated, and as a result, high frequency probes may be utilised effectively to analyse such structures in great detail. In this work, an effort was made to investigate the function that USG plays in thyroid illnesses.


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Dr Sridevi Basappa, Dr Sanket Kotnis, Dr Muralidhara C P, Dr. Hemanth Kumar Goravimakalahalli Srinivasareddy. (2023). Role of USG in thyroid diseases. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(S2), 2110–2115.