Correlation of micronutrient status with atherogenic index and oxidative stress markers in metabolic syndrome

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Khaleel Ahmed Manik, P P Sheela Joice, Jithesh T K, V Suganthi, Basheer M P, Mohammed Jaffer Pinjar


The prognostication of cardiovascular events in people with metabolic syndrome (MetS) is paramount due to their heightened risk profile. MetS is typified by a cluster of medical conditions such as raised blood pressure, hyperglycemia, central adiposity, and anomalous levels of cholesterol or triglycerides, which collectively increase the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease. Anticipating cardiovascular events in these individuals enables enhanced prevention approaches, more efficient management, and better patient results. The present investigation involved an examination of the correlation between a range of biomarkers, namely Lp-PLA2, Apo A1, Apo B, hs-CRP, OxLDL, MDA, and Vitamin C, and the atherogenic index in a population afflicted with MetS. The results indicated no statistically significant association between the markers mentioned above and the atherogenic index within the sample population. This suggests that these markers may not possess sufficient predictive value for cardiovascular events in this demographic. Nevertheless, it was noted that although there was no discernible correlation with the atherogenic index, the MetS cohort exhibited increased serum concentrations of Lp-PLA2, OxLDL, and MDA. The markers mentioned above are widely recognized as reliable indicators of inflammation and oxidative stress, two crucial processes in the development of atherosclerosis and subsequent cardiovascular events. As a result, the increased prevalence of MetS may indicate heightened susceptibility to cardiovascular disease, underscoring the importance of implementing a comprehensive approach to managing cardiovascular risk in affected individuals. In summary, although the markers analyzed in this investigation may not directly associate with the atherogenic index, their increased concentrations warrant prudence and emphasize the significance of vigilant management of cardiovascular risk in individuals diagnosed with MetS. Accurately forecasting cardiovascular events remains a multifaceted obstacle that necessitates the examination of numerous variables and persistent scholarly endeavors.


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Khaleel Ahmed Manik, P P Sheela Joice, Jithesh T K, V Suganthi, Basheer M P, Mohammed Jaffer Pinjar. (2023). Correlation of micronutrient status with atherogenic index and oxidative stress markers in metabolic syndrome. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(3), 782–791.