“A descriptive study to assess level of academic stress and anxiety of science stream students among selected higher secondary school at Kheda District.”

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Ms. Shivani J. Patel, Ms. Shivani S Patel, Ms. Shreya Gaurangi, Ms. Shreya Parmar, Ms. Shreya Pandya, Ms. Prakruti Patel, Mr. Sachin Sharma


The words "Stress" and " anxiety" have permeated every aspect of our generation today.In order to function properly, every student has to experience pleasant academic stress and anxiety,also known as eustress.When a student is unable to study or cope with a circumstance, they experience negative stress,also known as distress.Stress is a condition where a student's usal state of equilibrium is altered.By the year 2020, according to the WHO ,that will be one of the main causes of disability.The concern over academic stress and anxiety among science students has grown in recent years.According to estimates, academic stress and anxiety connect to annual performance and result impair the overall performance of 10% to 30% of School students of science stream.

AIM:The study aims are to assess academic stress and anxiety regarding school, education system and examination to improve level of knowledge and to reduce stressors, in higher secondary school students of science stream.

METHODOLOGY: Non- experimental research design with quantitative research approach was used for research study. The researcher used purposive sampling technique for selecting 300 samples. The tools used,

Section 1: socio-demographic data

Section 2: structured perceived academic stress scale questionnaires regarding stress.

Section 3: Anxiety scale to assess the attitude by anxiety scale.

Validity of tool was assessed by 11 experts.Assessment was ascertained by the chi-square formula.


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Ms. Shivani J. Patel, Ms. Shivani S Patel, Ms. Shreya Gaurangi, Ms. Shreya Parmar, Ms. Shreya Pandya, Ms. Prakruti Patel, Mr. Sachin Sharma. (2023). “A descriptive study to assess level of academic stress and anxiety of science stream students among selected higher secondary school at Kheda District.”. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(S2), 1552–1563. https://doi.org/10.53555/jaz.v44iS2.1036