Evaluation of Physical Properties of Saliva as Non-Invasive and Point-Of-Care Diagnostic Tools for Early Pregnancy Detection in Cows
Biomarker, early pregnancy, non-invasive, physical properties, saliva.Abstract
The study aimed to create a cost-effective pregnancy detection model for cattle by combining early pregnancy predicting parameters and focusing on changes in saliva's physical properties. Saliva from 100 pregnant and 100 non-pregnant cows in Charsadda, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan, were collected using pre-weighed sponges attached to a thin, flexible metal rod placed in the cows' mouths for 30 seconds, then processed at farms. Results showed that pregnant cows had significantly higher mean pH (9.325 ± 0.13) than non-pregnant cows (8.133 ± 0.13). Conversely, non-pregnant cows exhibited higher mean specific gravity (0.000173±0.00) and conductivity (0.666 ± 0.029) compared to pregnant cows (0.000146±0.00 and 0.538 ± 0.028). Additionally, non-pregnant cows had higher buffer capacity (7.40 ± 0.10) and flow rate (91.92±1.13) than pregnant cows (2.42 ± 0.151 and 91.92±1.13). Six distinct salivary crystallisation patterns were identified: branches, ferns, fir, dots, none, and combinations. Fern-like (26.19%) and branch-fern (19.04%) patterns were predominant in pregnant cows, while branch-fir (29.03%) and branch-fern (22.58%) were common in non-pregnant cows. These variations are likely influenced by hormonal changes during pregnancy. Further research is needed to validate these findings for early pregnancy diagnosis in cattle and potentially other animal species.
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