Quality And Potability Assessment Of Drinking Water In Midnapore Town And Siromoni, Paschim Medinipur

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Dr. Subhankari Prasad Chakraborty


The microorganisms in tested water sample mainly include bacteria and viruses. The disease, which are caused by those bacteria, are Typhoid, Dysentery (bacillary) and Cholera, Paratyphoid and Diarrhea are also water borne diseases. About 80% people suffered mainly by stomach troubles and most of the people from skin diseases, Kidney troubles. Jaundice due to composition of contaminated drinking water. The present study was attempted to record the distribution pattern of the “fecal coliform” of water samples collected from tap water from Khaprailbazar, Midnapore town and shallow water from Siromoni, Paschim Medinipur. The isolated bacteria from drinking water of two different sources were characterized by different biochemical and physiological tests. Screening of isolated bacteria with blood agar plate, it has been concluded that all the isolated bacteria were non-pathogenic. By the antibiogram, it has been concluded that some of these isolated bacteria were found to be resistant towards Chloramphenicol antibiotic but other were mild sensitive towards this antibiotics. All the isolated bacteria were sensitive towards Streptomycin and Tetracycline. Most of the isolates were sensitive towards Ampicillin and Norfloxacin.


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How to Cite
Dr. Subhankari Prasad Chakraborty. (2022). Quality And Potability Assessment Of Drinking Water In Midnapore Town And Siromoni, Paschim Medinipur. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 43(1), 971–978. https://doi.org/10.53555/jaz.v43i1.4828
Author Biography

Dr. Subhankari Prasad Chakraborty

Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, Ramananda College, Bishnupur, Bankura- 722 122, West Bengal, India. Tele-fax: (91) 3244 – 254427


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