Effect Of Occupational therapy Training On Balance and Cognitive In Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment

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Prabina Kumar Pradhan
Dr Chhavi Kalra


Background: Older adults with MCI are at an increased risk of falls and other mobility issues due toimpaired cognitive function, which can affect balance and gait. As the population ages, findingeffective interventions to mitigate these risks and improve quality of life is crucial. Occupationaltherapy has been recognized as a beneficial approach to enhance both cognitive and physicalfunctionsinvarious populations,includingolderadults.

Studydesign: Randomizedcontrolledtrial

Aim: To assess the impact of occupational therapy training on balance and cognition in older adultswithmildcognitiveimpairment.

Objective:Toevaluateoutcomeofoccupationaltherapytrainingonbalanceand cognitioninolderadultswithmildcognitiveimpairment.

Participants: The participants were recruited on the basis of exclusion and inclusion criteria. Theparticipantsweredividedintwogroup controlgroup andexperimentalgroup20participantsineachgrouptotal40participants were includedinthestudy.

Methods:A randomized control trial was conducted on 40 patients with mild cognitive impairment(MCI) at AGAN OLD AGE HOME, Noida. The total sample was randomly divided into two equalgroups. Experimental group (N = 20) and a control group (N = 20). The control group was provideddual task training and the experimental group was administered with occupational therapy program which include physical training,cognitive training and physical&cognitive training.

Result: Montreal Cognitive Study (MOCA) pre and post in resulted that the pre mean of MOCA(17.80) accompanied by standard error (0.869) and subsequently post mean value of MOCAincreased (24.75) standard error (0.580) and standard deviation( 2.593) which indicate progress ofpostmean value (24.75)indicatingan improvementtoalevelofcognitivefunction.

Tinetti performance oriented mobility assessment (POMA) pre and post resulted that the pre mean ofPOMA GAIT(7.15) POMA BAL(10.75) accompanied by standard error (0.494),(0.814) andsubsequently post mean value decrease (13.00),(8.75)standard deviation (1.682),(3.340) whichindicate progress of post mean vale(13.00),(8.75) signifying that increased in balance & Gait amongolderadults.

Conclusion: Considering all aspect of social life my study show effectiveness of occupational therapy training programe give insight to maintain productive aging which will closely related with cogntion and balance.This study show significantly improvement in cognition and balance.


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How to Cite
Prabina Kumar Pradhan, Prof.(Dr.)R.K.Sharma, & Dr Chhavi Kalra. (2023). Effect Of Occupational therapy Training On Balance and Cognitive In Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(4), 1336–1353. https://doi.org/10.53555/jaz.v44i4.4820
Author Biographies

Prabina Kumar Pradhan

MOT (Neurology) Student, Santosh Occupational therapy College,


Dean, Paramedical, Principal Santosh Occupational Therapy College Ghaziabad,

Dr Chhavi Kalra

Assistant Professor ,(Neurology)


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