Seasonal Variation Of Heavy Metals In Waste Water Sample By Using ICPMS Method District Janjgir-Champa, (C.G.) India.


  • Rubina Bhardwaj
  • Rakesh Kumar Yadav



Pollution, Heavy metal, Waste water, ICPMS, Physico-chemical parameter, Ground Water.


This paper present to study of the Physico-Chemical parameters of three different areas in Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh. To determine the amount of pollutants released into the environment and measuring the level of heavy metals and Physico-Chemical characteristics in industrial waste water was conducted. Monsoon and post monsoon changes in physical and chemical parameters such as Temperature, pH, Electrical conductivity, Total solids, Total suspended solids, Dissolved solids and Heavy metals (Pb, Fe, Cr, and Hg). Heavy metals were analyzed by ICPMS Method, Temperature, pH and electrical conductivity was analyzed using the Thermometer, pH scale and Electrical conductometer respectively. The concentration of all heavy metals and Physico-chemical parameters studied were below the reference limits set by BIS (Bureau of Indian standard). The values of heavy metals were (Pb, Cr, Fe, Hg) the maximum value of Pb 0.0036 mg/L at BH-HP in monsoon season and minimum value 0.005 mg/L at NR-HP, and the value of Cr in monsoon season  the maximum value 0.0004 mg/L  at NR-HP and 0.0001 mg/L at BH-HP and the value of Fe the 0.7431 mg/L at NR-HP and minimum value 0.0156 mg/L at BH-HP, while Hg the maximum value 0.00033 mg/L at NR-HP and 0.0011 mg/L at TR-HP. In post monsoon the level of Pb, the maximum value 0.009 mg/L at BH-HP, Cr did not detected.  Fe level maximum value 0.6230 mg/L at NR-HP and minimum value 0.0162 mg/L at BH-HP and Hg maximum value 0.0011 mg/L at NR-HP and minimum 0.0005 mg/L at BH-HP. Therefore, it is recommended to the locals that for notable portable purpose prior treatment is required before human consumption. The results indicate that this particular area is non-polluted and can be used for domestic, irrigation and agricultural purpose.


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Author Biographies

Rubina Bhardwaj

Research Scholar, Department of Chemistry, Dr. C. V. Raman University, Kargi Road Kota, Bilaspur (C.G.) India 495113

Rakesh Kumar Yadav

Department of Chemistry, Dr. C. V. Raman University, Kargi Road Kota, Bilaspur (C.G.) India 495113


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