Fluoride Toxicity In Domestic Animals Of Chandrapur District, Maharashtra, India

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Anjali Phaley
Mangala Thakare
Varsha Dhurvey


A cross-sectional survey was carried out to evaluate the hazardous effects of fluoride on domestic animals in the fluoride-polluted areas of Chandrapur district in Maharashtra, India. Domestic animals, including buffalos, cattle, and goats from seven villages in the Warora tehsil, were the subjects of the current study. The animals showed signs of dental fluorosis to varying degrees, with subsurface water fluoride levels ranging from 0.53 to 5 mg/L. The elevated fluoride concentration functions as a potential pollutant.1966 of the 5176 animals examined for dental fluorosis with varied degrees of the condition in the cattle (34.3%), buffalo (46.37%), and goats (42.69%), respectively. It was determined that the prevalence of dental fluorosis was extremely significant (P<0.05). Environmental toxins and contaminants that causes several metabolic problems and also influence blood hence to evaluate the effects of fluoride toxicity on haematological parameters the present study was conducted. High fluoride concentrations were found in serum samples from buffalo, cattle, and goats, in contrast to their respective controls. Haematological analyses of naturally fluoridated animals showed a significant decline in haemoglobin concentration, total erythrocyte count, packed cell volume and leukocyte count, all indicators of fluoride-induced anaemia. According to the differential leukocyte count, animals from fluoride-polluted areas had significantly greater lymphocyte percentages and lower neutrophil percentages than those from non-contaminated areas. There are significant differences between the mean values of haematological parameters in animals of fluoride polluted and nonpolluted localities. The current study's conclusions will undoubtedly aid in addressing potential operating procedures for health problems related to fluorosis in domestic animals in the study area.


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How to Cite
Anjali Phaley, Mangala Thakare, & Varsha Dhurvey. (2022). Fluoride Toxicity In Domestic Animals Of Chandrapur District, Maharashtra, India. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 43(1), 714–723. https://doi.org/10.53555/jaz.v43i1.4624
Author Biographies

Anjali Phaley

Department of Zoology, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur - 440033,   India.

Mangala Thakare

Department of Zoology, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur - 440033,   India.

Varsha Dhurvey

Professor, Department of Zoology, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur - 440033, India.


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