Isolation And Quantification Of Flavonoids From Selected Medicinal Plants

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Arun Kumar
Sumer Singh


Derris elliptica belongs to leguminous family from Southeast Asia including Pacific islands. Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. (Simaroubaceae) is identified by its Mahanimba as it has similar features Azadirachita indica and Maharukha as it appears big size. Ailanthus word is from ailanto which meaning tree of heaven and also by other names   in Indian local languages. Various parts of the plant are used for treatment of the diseases as well as for different healing activities of human beings as well as animals across the globe especially in India and China. There are several phytochemical present in plants, viz. flavonoids,tannins phytosterols, alkaloids and triterpenes, etc. Flavonoids are an unusually large group of naturally occurring phenolic compounds ubiquitously distributed in plant kingdom. In the present study, focus has been made to identify the flavonoid in different samples of Derris elliptica  L.and Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. by TLC and IR. In D. elliptica, free form of total flavonoid contents were maximal in leaf (0.76 mg/gdw) while lower in bark (0.61 mg/gdw). Free form of quercetin was found to be maximum in fruit of P. murex. Bound form of total flavonid contents were highest in leaves (0.41 mg/gdw) Bound form of flavonoids was lower in quantity as compared to free form . Total flavonoids (free + bound) were highest in leaves (1.38 mg/gdw) while least in bark  (0.96 mg/gdw). Free form of all  flavonoids occurred  highest in leaves (0.64 mg/gdw) while  lowest  in bark  (0.37 mg/gdw) of  Ailanthus excelsa,  whereas bound form of total flavonoids were maximum in leaves (0.36 mg/gdw) while  minimum in bark (0.35 mg/gdw). Total flavonoids amount (free + bound) in A. excelsa present maximum  in leaves  (1.00 mg/gdw) and least  in bark (0.62 mg/gdw). 


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How to Cite
Arun Kumar, & Sumer Singh. (2022). Isolation And Quantification Of Flavonoids From Selected Medicinal Plants. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 43(S2), 01–08.
Author Biographies

Arun Kumar

School of Life Sciences, Singhania University Pacheri Bari, Jhunjhunu (Raj.), India

Sumer Singh

School of Life Sciences, Singhania University Pacheri Bari, Jhunjhunu (Raj.), India


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