Memory Management In Real-Time Mining Of Massive Complex Data Streams
data mining, data stream, data cleaning, cron, voltDB, multiple databases, IEP, FFM, capAbstract
The terms “real-time mining and streaming of data” have become gained immense popularity in the data field where they have access to the fastest and the latest data on a real-time basis. Real-Time-Mining attempts to develop a real-time framework to minimize adverse environmental impact and increase resource efficiency. The real-time analysis deals with a huge rate of change in data which needs to be processed and updated frequently and rapidly. Data Mining encompasses a multi-disciplinary field. This combines several domains such as artificial intelligence (AI), statistics, machine learning, database technology, etc. The key objective of data mining is to explain the past and predict the future. This is achieved by exploring and analyzing a huge amount of data almost on a real-time basis from diverse datasets and sources. This process can be termed Knowledge Discovery. Data Mining endeavors to store the data in the local data set, hosted by local computers that are connected to the computer networks. In the real orld, data has become large and almost unmanageable with several data streams. Extraction of numerous knowledge structures from continuous and rapid data records is called data stream mining. A data stream includes an ordered sequence of several instances. The latter can be read only once or a few times in many data stream mining applications by employing the available computing and storage capabilities in the information technology world. Though the technology comes to real-time distributed mining of complex data streams, ample research has already been conducted on decreasing computation cost, ensuring enhanced data privacy at the distributed sites, and optimal deployment of limited assets. The key characteristics of mining complex data streams include huge volume of continuous incoming infinite data; the nature of the data is fast-changing, necessitating a fast real-time response. The data become multidimensional in nature. Since the data set is complex, some of the challenges to be addressed are unbounded memory requirements. The current paper analyses how effectively memory can be managed in realtime data streams.
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