Revolutionizing Farming: Iot-Enabled Organic Carbon Detection For Enhanced Agricultural Practices
IoT in Agriculture, Soil Management,, Organic Carbon, Agricultural Productivity, Precision Agriculture, Real-time Monitoring, Soil Health, Data AnalyticsAbstract
The integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) has brought about transformative changes across diverse industries, and its application in agriculture, particularly in soil management, has become a focal point of research and innovation. This paper explores the paradigm shift enabled by IoT in detecting organic carbon in soil, with the overarching goal of advancing agricultural productivity and sustainability. Emphasizing the pivotal role of organic carbon in soil health, the research addresses the existing challenges associated with its detection and underscores the potential advantages offered by IoT-based solutions for precise and real-time monitoring. The study meticulously examines various IoT technologies, including sensors, data analytics, and wireless communication protocols, within the specific context of organic carbon detection. A thorough review of contemporary techniques, methodologies, and devices utilized in IoT-based organic carbon detection in soil is presented. The paper not only sheds light on the current state-of-the-art but also explores the advantages, limitations, and prospects inherent in the implementation of IoT-enabled systems in agriculture. The envisioned outcomes encompass enhanced soil management practices, heightened crop yields, and the simultaneous preservation of the environment. In essence, this research contributes to the expanding body of knowledge surrounding IoT applications in agriculture, specifically emphasizing the transformative potential of IoT-enabled organic carbon detection for revolutionizing farming practices and promoting sustainable agricultural development.
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