A Complete review on Detection, Prevention and Treatment of Pyorrhea a major problem in old age people

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Nidhi Patel
Adarsh S Bhadoria
Dr. Pragnesh Patani


 Pyorrhea an infectious diseases that can be damage the gums and destroys the jaw bones. Pyorrhea is mainly seen in people over 35 years of age that causes tooth loss over time. The current study is clear that gingival bleeding and visible inflammation are the first signs of gingivitis. Continuous bleeding gums could be caused by plaque formation on the teeth, which is connected to a number of systemic disorders in older persons with periodontal diseases. The most common causes of bleeding gum include roughly brushing or wearing fake teeth that do not fit properly and formation of plaque at the gum line, which leads to inflammation. A clinical trial was performed in order to evaluate the effectiveness of mouth wash with Promegranate and Chamomile plant extract, against Chlorhexidine 0.12% in the gingiva bleeding condition. Other treatment is give the prescription of vitamin supplement for bleeding gum. It can be an indication loe ,parfit and Massler depend on a decision about oral color, texture, and contour to determine the level of inflammation in the gums. The aim of this review is to examine the gingival response to dental plaque in gingivitis patients without gum damage, with either a low or high bleeding or plaque ratio. The aim of this article is to aware people to not take this disease lightly and to take proper treatment.


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How to Cite
Nidhi Patel, Adarsh S Bhadoria, & Dr. Pragnesh Patani. (2024). A Complete review on Detection, Prevention and Treatment of Pyorrhea a major problem in old age people. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 45(2), 556–562. https://doi.org/10.53555/jaz.v45i2.3936
Author Biographies

Nidhi Patel

Student, Khyati College of Pharmacy, Palodia, Ahmedabad

Adarsh S Bhadoria

Assistant Professor, Khyati College of Pharmacy, Palodia, Ahmedabad

Dr. Pragnesh Patani

Principal, Khyati College of Pharmacy, Palodia, Ahmedabad


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