Comparative Evaluation Of Different Carbon Sources In The Biofloc System While Growing Out Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio L.) Fry
Carbon source, Biofloc Common carp Fry, Microbial community, TANAbstract
A 10 weeks feeding trial was carried out to evaluate the effects of different carbon sources (sugar beet molasses: SBM + BFT, sugar: S + WF (Wheat Flour) BFT, corn starch: CS + BFT) on water quality, growth performance, for common carp FRY. Results showed a significant difference in water quality parameters among different culture systems; CS + BFT had the lowest amount of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) at the end of culture period. The fish weight was the highest in CS + BFT. Overall, this study suggests that microbial flocs formed in corn starch based biofloc can improve common carp growth performance and tanks water quality under zero water exchange and hence ensures sustainability
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