A Review On Herbal Plants For Treatment Of Lips Disorders

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Vishal Parmar
Vaidehi Gurjar
Dr. Pragnesh Patani


Lip issues can cause uneasiness and tasteful worries, provoking people to look for viable medicines. This survey article dives into the capability of regular cures, explicitly Indian Sarsaparilla and Turmeric as elective ways to deal with overseeing lip issues. These customary fixings hold guarantee because of their calming, antimicrobial, and cancer prevention agent properties. By looking at their authentic utilization and late logical exploration, this article expects to reveal insight into their possible advantages and give experiences into their application in current lip issue medicines.


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How to Cite
Vishal Parmar, Vaidehi Gurjar, & Dr. Pragnesh Patani. (2024). A Review On Herbal Plants For Treatment Of Lips Disorders. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 45(1), 739–749. https://doi.org/10.53555/jaz.v45i1.3553
Author Biographies

Vishal Parmar

Student,Khyati College of Pharmacy, Palodia, Ahmedabad, 

Vaidehi Gurjar

Assistant Professor, Khyati College of Pharmacy, Palodia, Ahmedabad

Dr. Pragnesh Patani

Principal, Khyati College of Pharmacy, Palodia, Ahmedabad


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