The Effect Of Concentration And Length Of Soaking Solution Of Brahman Cow Testic Flour (Bos Indicus) On The Formation Of Male Sex In Sangkuriang Catfish Larvaes (Clarias Gariepinus)


  • E. Yusni
  • Aprik



Testis flour, catfish, male sex


The aim of this research was to detect the effect of giving Brahman cattle testicle flour on the achievement of the male catfish species produced. This research was conducted at the Fish Seed Center (BBI) and the Fish Pest and Disease Laboratory in the city of Medan. The method used in this research was a randomized block design (RAK) method by collecting testicular samples of Brahman cattle at the Tanjung Leprosy slaughterhouse in Medan and fish samples in Fish Seed Center (BBI). This research was carried out from February to August 2023, with samples of 270 catfish larvae (Clarias gariepinus), and 500g of Brahman cattle testicles (Bos taurus indicus). It is made into flour as a soaking treatment with a concentration of 50ppm, 60ppm and 70ppm and soaking is carried out for 12 hours, 18 hours and 24 hours. The results of this study stated that the highest weight in the 70 ppm concentration treatment (P3TS3) with 24 hour soaking resulted in a catfish weight of 1.856±0.094 gr and the lowest 1.673±0.031 gr was found in the 50 ppm concentration treatment with 12 hour soaking (P1TS1), while the highest length was in the 70 ppm concentration treatment with 24 hour soaking (P3TS3) it was 1.851±0.053 and the lowest in the 60 ppm concentration treatment with 18 hour soaking (P1TS2) was 1.946±0.063. The highest feed conversion ratio was found in the 70 ppm concentration treatment with 24 hour soaking (P3TS3) of 1.946±0.088 and the lowest was in the 70 ppm concentration treatment with 18 hour soaking (P3TS2) with a result of 1.830±0.174. For fish survival, the highest was in the treatment with a concentration of 60 ppm at 18 hours of soaking (P2TS2) and in the treatment with a concentration of 60 ppm at 24 hours of soaking (P2TS3) with a yield of 93% for both, while the lowest was in the treatment with a concentration of 60 ppm with 24 hours of soaking. (P2TS3) with a total of 70%. The results of the number of masculinated fish (male sex formation) were found in the treatment with a concentration of 50 ppm with 24 hour soaking (P1TS3) and the treatment with a concentration of 60 ppm with 12 hour soaking (P2TS1) produced 79% males, followed by the treatment with a concentration of 60 ppm with 18 hours of soaking. hours, (P1TS2), 60 ppm concentration treatment (P2TS3) with 24 hour soaking and 60 ppm concentration treatment (P2TS2) with 18 hour soaking. Meanwhile, the highest total of female catfish was found in the treatment with a concentration of 50  and 24 hour soaking producing 21% females and the lowest was at a concentration of 60 ppm (P2TS3) soaking for 24 hours.


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Author Biographies

E. Yusni

Departement Aquaculture Reesource, Faculty Agriculture Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan Indonesia


Departement  Aquaculture Reesource, Faculty Agriculture Universitas Sumatera Utara,  Medan Indonesia


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