Issues Of Introduction Of Mobile Power Plants Based On Renewable Energy Sources And A Multifunctional Electric Tractor


  • Baqiyev Abdujalol Abdulxamitovich
  • Ismailov Astan Ibragimovich
  •  Nuriddinov Nasimjon Akhadkhonovich



Agricultural power supply, mobile power stations, electric drive, electric tractors, plant processing, mobile charging station, charging station infrastructure, renewable energy sources


For the effective development of the agricultural sector, solving the problems of timely and sufficient power supply is relevant. Due to the absence or inefficiency of the wiring of centralized power supply systems in remote areas, fertile lands are gradually going out of circulation. Based on the study of the experience of developed countries in solving the above problems, the corresponding conclusions were made on the transfer of mobile agricultural machinery to electric drive, the development and production of mobile mini-electric tractors for processing and harvesting in local conditions, mobile power stations based on renewable energy sources for remote territories.

In the agricultural sector, electric energy is mainly consumed for irrigation and electric drive of various equipment and installations. For example, for the introduction of drip irrigation and electric tractors in remote areas from centralized power supply lines in Uzbekistan, the mobile method of power supply is considered effective. The developed prototype of the Solar-Wind mobile power plant can generate an average of 4.5-4.7 kWh in the daytime, and 0.8-1.0 kWh of electric energy in the evening hours. The annual production of electric energy is more than 20,000 kWh of electric energy. Taking into account the return of fertile lands into circulation, and the cost of the resulting crop, the payback of the station does not exceed 4-5 years.


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Author Biographies

Baqiyev Abdujalol Abdulxamitovich

Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers National Research University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Ismailov Astan Ibragimovich

Andijan Machine-Building Institute, Ph.D., Associate Professor.

 Nuriddinov Nasimjon Akhadkhonovich

Andijan Machine-Building Institute doctoral student.


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