Uzbek Nickname Study


  • Nizamova Shahnoza Ubaydullayevna
  • Salikhodjayeva Havaskhon Zakirjanovna
  • Pazlitdinova Nargiza Zuriddinovna
  • Ismanova Maluda Mamadaliyevna



nickname, onomastic unit, anthroponymic unit, nickname first name, last name, otaism, nisba, anonymous, “pseudonym”, noun, adjective, pronoun, sentence model


The article highlights the degree of study of Uzbek nicknames, their classification according to professional specificity, nominative-motivational features, genderological features, linguistic analysis, formation and making features.


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Author Biographies

Nizamova Shahnoza Ubaydullayevna

Doctor Of Philosophy in philology (PhD)

Salikhodjayeva Havaskhon Zakirjanovna

Doctor Of Philosophy in philology (PhD)

Pazlitdinova Nargiza Zuriddinovna

Doctor Of Philosophy in philology (PhD)

Ismanova Maluda Mamadaliyevna

Doctor Of Philosophy in philology (PhD)


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