Public-Private Partnerships in Education: A Comprehensive Study of The Right to Education in India
Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), Right to Education Act, Educational Equity, India's Education Landscape, Quality Education AccessAbstract
This research article explores the evolving landscape of education in India, focusing on the critical role of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the context of the Right to Education Act. India's government schools face resource constraints, prompting increased private sector involvement in education. This article discusses the impact of PPPs on education access, equity, and quality, drawing on a field survey conducted in Vadodara. Demographically, the survey reveals heightened awareness of the Right to Education Act, especially among women, underscoring its importance. An overwhelming majority recognizes PPPs' role in enhancing education but highlights the need for greater awareness regarding the nuances of these partnerships. Additionally, opinions vary on the adequacy of the Act's 25% reservation policy, signalling potential room for improvement. Teachers' perspectives showcase widespread compliance with reservation policies in public schools. Yet, concerns arise over private school reservations' efficacy. Respondents emphasize the Act's positive impact on education quality, affordability, and infrastructure, underscoring the comprehensive demand for improved educational access. However, doubts linger regarding PPPs potentially exacerbating educational inequalities, challenging competition, and privatizing the sector. Clear policies and safeguards are imperative to address these concerns. In sum, this research underscores the transformative potential of PPPs in realizing the Right to Education, while advocating for greater awareness, policy refinement, and equitable outcomes to ensure quality education for all in India.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Nilay Shukla, Ketan Desai, Ruchi Tiwari
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