Exploring the Multifaceted Nature of Complex Syntactic Units in Linguistic Texts

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Amanov Abdijabbo
Abdurazzoqov Eldor


This research delves into the intricate realm of complex syntactic units, emphasizing their role as pivotal linguistic and methodological entities. By intertwining the planes of expression and content, the study underscores the structural and semantic markers that define these units. A comprehensive review of existing literature on the subject reveals the depth and breadth of understanding surrounding complex syntactic units. The paper further highlights the primary characteristics of these units, emphasizing their role in bridging individual sentences and facilitating coherent communication. Special focus is given to the concluding sentences within these units, which play a crucial role in connecting and contextualizing disparate sentences.


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How to Cite
Amanov Abdijabbo, & Abdurazzoqov Eldor. (2023). Exploring the Multifaceted Nature of Complex Syntactic Units in Linguistic Texts. Journal of Advanced Zoology, 44(S5), 1187–1191. https://doi.org/10.17762/jaz.v44iS-5.1150