Distribution Of Phenacoccus Solenopsis Infesting Okra Plants: Evidence for Improving a Pest Scouting Method.
Phenacoccus solenopsis, population density, okra plants, distribution patterns and directional preferenceAbstract
Understanding insect behavior is a prerequisite for establishing pest scouting tools for determining possible damage and implementing control measures for the cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on okra plants. Field trials were conducted to estimate the distribution modalities of P. solenopsis on plants in different cardinal directions, plant strata, leaf surfaces, and field depth (spaces from field boundaries), in a private okra field (Balady cultivar) at Esna district, Luxor Governorate during two consecutive seasons (2021 and 2022). Results revealed that P. solenopsis attacked okra plants, were observed from the first week of March through the end of July during each season, and occurred on all okra field directions in all plant levels and on leaf surfaces, on all the dates of weekly inspections. During the two seasons, there were highly significant differences in population, as well as infestation percentages in various cardinal directions, and very significant changes between the various stratums of plant and on leaf surfaces, as well as between the various distances from field boarders. P. solenopsis favors the lower leaf surface of the top stratum of the plant, in the south and east aspects, where its population was constantly abundant throughout the season, and pests more highly attacked okra plants distant from the farm borders than close plants over each season. The current information can be used to help design mealybug monitoring and control programs on okra plants.
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