Surveillance Through Pheromone Traps Of Tomato Leaf Miner (Tuta absoluta) In Hyderabad Region Sindh, Pakistan
Surveillance, Tuta absoluta, Pheromone traps, SindhAbstract
Tuta absoluta commonly known as South American Tomato moth is a destructive and rapidly spreading pest of Tomato worldwide. Since its first observation from Spain in 2006, it has invaded over 90 countries successfully up till now including Pakistan (Ishtiaq et al., 2020). This study presents significant insights into the rapid establishment of Tuta absoluta a notorious tomato pest, in the Hyderabad region. Adult male moths of T. absoluta were monitored using sex pheromone traps at three locations Tando Allahyar, Tando Jam, and Kotri. Notably, substantial variation in moth captures was observed among these locations, with Tando Allahyar reporting the highest population, followed by Tando Jam, while Kotri consistently had lower captures. overall highest number of T. absoluta was recorded from Tando Allahyar 137.5, followed by Tando jam 106 and Kotri 66.25 for two crop seasons. The study also revealed a direct correlation between T. absoluta population and crop maturation.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Imran Khan, Naheed Baloch, Niaz Hussain Khuhro

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