Assistive Intelligence Sensing Device With Python Intergration


  • Mrs Keerthana S
  • Jemimah Margrate S
  • Mariya Suvetha L
  • Oviya M



Assistive device, Mobility assistance, Object detection, IoT, Accessibility


An assistive intelligence sensor device is a comprehensive solution aimed at improving the mobility and independence of people with visual or hearing impairments. It integrates an array of advanced hardware components including Node MCU and Arduino board for data processing, GPS module with antenna for accurate location tracking, emergency key switch for instant warning activation, and time of flight sensor for accurate obstacle detection. A vibrator for haptic feedback, a Wi-Fi module for seamless connectivity and a display for visual feedback. Additionally, the device includes a laptop with a Python-coded program for real-time object detection using a camera, which helps identify and classify objects in the user's environment. Leveraging the Blynk IoT app, the device facilitates instant communication with caregivers or emergency responders, ensuring peace of mind and timely assistance when needed. Also, apart from detecting nearby obstacles and providing haptic feedback, the device uses a GPS module to live track the user's location, ensuring safety and security during outdoor navigation. The integration of intelligent software algorithms further enhances the functionality of the device, enabling it to adapt to various environments and user needs. This manuscript provides a comprehensive overview of the device's design, functionality, and potential applications to improve the quality of life of individuals with disabilities. By integrating state-of-the-art hardware components with intelligent software solutions, the Assistive Intelligence sensor device represents a significant advance in assistive technology, empowering users to navigate their surroundings with confidence and


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Author Biographies

Mrs Keerthana S

Assistant Professor, B.E-Biomedical Engineering, V.S.B.  Engineering College, Karur, Tamilnadu, India.

Jemimah Margrate S

Ug Scholar, B.E-Biomedical Engineering, V.S.B.  Engineering College, Karur, Tamilnadu, India

Mariya Suvetha L

Ug Scholar, B.E-Biomedical Engineering, V.S.B.  Engineering College, Karur, Tamilnadu, India

Oviya M

Ug Scholar, B.E-Biomedical Engineering, V.S.B.  Engineering College, Karur, Tamilnadu, India


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