A Study On The Influence Of Advertising Appeals On Generation Z With Respect To E-Commerce


  • Dr. Wani Nalanda D
  • Ms. Kavita S. Waghmare




Advertising Appeals, Generation Z, E-commerce


Generation Z, being the generation to grow up in the digital era, evince some distinctive features and preferences that significantly shape their online shopping behavior. The study delves into various advertising appeals employed by E-commerce platforms and investigates their effectiveness in capturing the attention, interest, and loyalty of Generation Z consumers. The findings of this research aim to provide valuable insights for marketers and E-commerce businesses seeking to optimize their strategies for this influential consumer segment. The content is based on recent literature and on what are the views of Generation Z concerning the online advertising appeals. Technology and the internet being the integral part of the life of Generation Z, it represents a unique demographic with marked characteristics, preferences, and behaviors. Generation Z is quick to adopt and adapt to trends. E-commerce businesses must stay agile and responsive to emerging trends to remain relevant. Studying the impact of advertising appeals helps identify what resonates with this dynamic demographic, allowing businesses to adjust their strategies accordingly. In this study, we established that online advertising appeals don’t have significant influence on purchase behavior of Generation Z although they improve the Customer experience and thereby brand loyalty.



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Author Biographies

Dr. Wani Nalanda D

Research Guide, Research Centre in Commerce and Management (Commerce), Indira College of Commerce and Science, Pune 33, Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, 


Ms. Kavita S. Waghmare

Research Scholar, Research Centre in Commerce and Management (Commerce), Indira College of Commerce and Science, Pune 33, Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University.



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