Endothermy in Birds and Mammals: Evolution of Metabolism, Body Temperature, Sleep and Activity Duration – An Evolutionary Scenario


  • Valery M. Gavrilov




Basal metabolic rate, time of origin, endothermy, duration of activity, evolution


Basal metabolic rate (BMR) in a taxon correlates with its evolutionary age: the later a clade diverged, the higher its metabolic rate and the longer its activity period will be. The paper proposes a hypothesis about the decisive role of the BMR level at the onset of the explosive radiation of endothermic animals. The study determines how the BMR level and activity duration of each group correlated with the time of its splitting on the geochronological scale. The following scenario of evolving BMR is suggested. Each taxon formed its specific basal metabolic level according to the ability to maintain temperature homeostasis under the environmental conditions that prevailed during its formation. The first level is typical of Monotremes, which were the first to split from the basal mammalian clade. This level is minimally sufficient to maintain temperature homeostasis under a very limited range of conditions. The next level characteristic of marsupials makes it possible to maintain temperature homeostasis under a broader range of environmental conditions and to have a more protracted period of activity. Finally, the basal metabolic level that is typical of eutherians was formed to have protracted activity with the terrestrial lifestyle. In birds, the lowest BMR is in Palaeognathae, almost equal to Eutheria. Then, it increases later and is higher in Non-Passeriformes, and finally reaches the highest levels in Passeriformes only 50 mya.


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Author Biography

Valery M. Gavrilov

Department of Vertebrate Zoology and Zvenigorod Biological Station, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia


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